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Updated: Aug 6

Thank you for your interest in adopting one of our hedgehogs! Please make sure you send in an application to be added to our waitlist. We will contact you as soon as there are available hedgehogs or tenrecs for adoption.

Our waitlists will always be updated.

African Pygmy Hedgehog 2024

  1. Jo Bloechl- no response

  2. Cassiare Taylor- passed

  3. Atira- 1st pick “reverse pinto male”

  4. De la Paz Family (2)-contacted

  5. Vickie O. -contacted

  6. Crystal and Eva P. -contacted

Lesser Tenrec 2024

  1. Chloe Gutierrez

Long Eared Hedgehog 2025

  1. Vickie O.

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